Typing SVG

I am a passionate Full Stack Developer with expertise in building scalable web applications and solving complex problems. I thrive in collaborative environments and enjoy working on both frontend and backend development. Here’s a bit more about me:

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🛠️ My Skills

👉 Programming languages

Programming languages

👉 Frontend Development

Frontend Development

👉 Backend Development

Backend Development

👉 Databases Management System

Databases Management System

👉 Software & Tools

Software & Tools

👉 API Integrations && IDE

API Integrations && IDE

👉 Operating Systems && CMS

Operating Systems && CMS

📃  Educational Background


📖 ** Diploma In Engineering**
📆  2019 - 2023
📍 ** Mymensingh Polytechnic Institute** - Mymensingh, Bangladesh

📖 ** SSC**
📆  2017 - 2018
📍 ** Ulipur, Kurigram** - Kurigram, Rongpur